24 January, 2009

Hey, it's me Vanna and guess what...I am on youtube! Check out my first video now!

17 December, 2008


It is Christmas Time! My favorite time of the year. I get toys and treats and all kinds of goodies. MAx does too but it is worth it. My people get off of work and school and we get to be together. Who couldn't like Christmas. Anyway, Hope you have a good one because Virtual Vanna is signing off.

21 September, 2008

Shout out to "Marley and Me."

It's Me Vanna! I got to tell you, Hurricane Ike has kept my family busy. My cousin Jake spent the night, I lost a few trees in the pastures, the pool is all filthy and on top of that, my pet human has been busy reading a book! A book! What fun is that? She should be out here playing with me. Oh well. She apparently really liked this book and wants me to make a shout out to a "John Grogan." Apparently she read the book, "Marley and Me." She just finished it today and has been hugging me and loving all over me and...Max. Apparently it was a good book. I think it made her cry! All I know is that it is about a hard head Labrador known as the worst dog ever. Ha! They clearly have not met Jake or Max. Does this look like a good dog to you? I tell you what, sometimes I think I am the only sane creature here.
They even knew he wasn't impressive. His full name is Just Jake! What about this? Oi'
They really didn't know what they were getting when they brought Max home...

18 August, 2008

Pic 1: Me by the boat
Pic 2: Me by the stairs of the beachhouse
Pic 3: The beach
Hey, it's me, Vanna! Guess where I have been for the last week? Galveston! I swam in the ocean and played fetch on the beach...with Pipsqueek... I mean Max barking the whole time on the sideline. It was a lot of fun but the best part was the table scraps...freshly caught fish! Yum! The only bad part was losing my tennis ball in the ocean and drinking too much sea water...blech

31 July, 2008

Vanna Banana

It's me, Vanna! I'm going to leave Max to his picture editing and show you some cool pics and flics from now on!

Always a Fight

It has become a constant competition between Max and I, no matter what it is...and he hates to admit it but I always come out on top. It gets boring sometimes because it doesn't take much to hurt him and you have to be careful. He doesn't give up, though...despite the fact that his whole head can fit in my mouth.

30 July, 2008

Max has brought this on himself... Anyway, this is a comparison to show how well Max can obey the command, "Come" and how well I can obey the command, "Come." Sorry Little Brother... I felt they had to see it. I don't believe in black mail but I do believe in public humiliation...of my brother.

I'm a proud, respectable dog!
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Max has no idea what he is dealing with... I don't know if you have seen his blog lately but his newest post isn't impressive. I don't know who taught him to edit pictures but it just shows how immature he is... Max can be a bit sexist sometimes... Oh Well! I shall be the better dog and refrain from childish games. Poor little brother.
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When asked what they like about Max and I, our pets replied, "Vanna is so smart and fun to be around. She loves to swim and play hide and seek with me. We play tag and fetch and all kinds of stuff. She is also a great pillow when it comes to bedtime. Max is fun to watch."

I'm just Trying to be Myself

Max has always been jealous of me and that's just a sad fact. I've always been the smart, normal one that everyone loves. Despite Max's attempts at being more than cute, he can't achieve more than, "Small enough to carry around." He might be travel size but so is his brain. I have the best of both worlds; Smart and cute!
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On Top of the World-As it should Be

Here are some pretty cool pictures of me on top of the waterfall! Heights are no big deal... you won't see that in Max's World!

Swimming pictures... the best way to have a ball! This was especially fun because it was right after a bath! I love our pond.
My brother Max has an amazing trick that he can do and I am sure that you have seen it on "Max's World." If not, I must inform you that it is quite fascinating... the fact that he can chase his tail for two whole minutes straight without falling over is quite interesting. However, I have no idea what caused his brain to malfunction that way. If you want to see a cool trick that actually takes skill, check this out!
Can't Get Much Better...

Unlike my lil' brother, I will show you quality pics and entertaining flics. I am highly intellegent and extremely funny. I love to swim and go on walks. I am a total tomboy so all my friends are guys except Peca, Pepper, and Jenny.... Max's girlfriends! I'll give you some scoop on them! It'll be fun!